Okay, why would Sony in France create an ad for their PS Vita that includes a woman with four breasts (two in the front and two in the back)? I'm sorry, but what is it with guys and multiple boobs? Do they just secretly fantasize about snagging a woman with three or more breasts?
I don't understand…
First there was the three-breasted mutant hooker in the original 1990s Total Recall (which totally scared the bejesus out of me when I was little), and for all the sci-fi pervs out there, don't worry! They made SURE to include it again in the new Colin Farrell remake. Then there was the freaky exotic dancer cat-woman thing in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, which I heard was a pretty frightening sight, then the freaky six-boobed dancer named Yarna d'al Gargan in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (I've seen too much Star Wars for my own good), and the three boobed lady Jim Carrey fantasizes about in the Dumb and Dumberprequel, Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd.
Care to guess what the copy translates to? "Touch both sides. Twice the sensations." That's unreal! The Vita apparently has a touch screen AND rear touch panel. I'm not a gamer, so I can't really appreciate these features. All I know is that there is nothing clever or creative about this ad. It's ridiculous, sexist, and honestly says a lot about gamers. I wouldn't be surprised if they come out with a whole bunch of new sci-fi video games to go along with it that includes five or six-boobed characters. That is, if this doesn't already exist!
I honestly can't understand the appeal in that. I get it, men think boobies are hot. But if they met an "actual woman" with three boobs or three nipples, I'm not a 100 percent convinced they'd be into it. There's something about freakishly deformed or sexy female monsters that only appeal to them in the science fiction world. Mystique from X-Men being a perfect example. I can't tell you how many times I've heard X-Men nerds refer to how hot she. Really though?
Am I being too much of a feminist here, or is this ad just super-duper sexist? Feel free to call me out on this if I am. I mean let's be real here, I'm sure if there was a fragrance or something that appealed to women with a racy ad that included a male model with three penises, guys wouldn't be so thrilled. Am I right or am I right? Yup, that's what I thought!
Image via Kotaku.com