I have exactly two tattoos on my body and I am extremely proud of them. I didn't get the first one until I was almost 25 years old and the second a year later, so I know that they were good decisions. It wasn't one of those spur-of-the-moment things when I just turned 18 or, much worse, was still underage. I firmly believe that I will not regret either of my tattoos later on in life.
However, that's probably a LOT more than I could say about this girl, who was videotaped recently at the 17th annual South Florida Tattoo Expo getting a tattoo in a place you will absolutely NOT believe.
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Soooo, she got her… um, anus tattooed. Yes, reread that because that's what I had to do and I still can't even really believe I just wrote that. In this seriously NSFW video, we see this 22-year-old woman talk about getting a tattoo of her boyfriend DOWN THERE and how it felt "really, really good." I still can't believe it, though… I mean, down there, really?! And of your BOYFRIEND?! COME ON!
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Just watch the video, below, to see some of the other people's reactions. A couple think that it's actually going to be a growing trend and a few others in the crowd seem to think that it's funny. I personally think it's absolutely insane, both because I can't imagine that it doesn't hurt intensely back there, but also because I am extremely against getting a tattoo of your boyfriend's name. I mean, what was she thinking? I seriously just cannot believe this. It's… well, just gross!
I really, really, really hope her parents NEVER see this!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBVF8FzPI0
What do you think of this woman getting a tattoo of her boyfriend's name down there? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via YouTube