OMG! Javier Bardem goes blond! (PHOTO)

Posters for the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, have just been released. I'm pretty excited for the upcoming movie but, seriously, my first reaction upon seeing these was: JAVIER BARDEM IS BLOND?!?!

I'm really psyched to see Javier in the latest Bond installment. He's playing a villain by the name of Silva but, as much as I love him as an actor (and a villain! Who wasn't terrified of his character in No Country for Old Men?), I can't help but giggle a little bit that the Latino actor has gone ALL blond for this role!

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To be honest, he actually looks kind of Russian to me. Maybe that's just me, since I'm half Russian and I kind of know what Russian villains look like in movies (yes, it's ALWAYS the same!), but it's pretty funny to take Penelope Cruz's hot hubby and dye his hair into a completely new look.

I mean, I'll say one thing: the man is an amazing actor and, the more I look at this poster, the more I'm starting to get chills about seeing him as a villain again. He looks creepy! I mean, yes, he looks kind of funny as a blond (I wonder what Penélope thought?) but he's also got that killer look. Yikes!

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If there's one man that could prove to be the end of the secret agent known as 007 (played by Daniel Craig), it's definitely Javier Bardem. He may look a little silly exchanging his dark hair for an almost bleach-blond look, but he still looks dangerous. For now, I know one thing for sure: Blond or not, my Cuban papá and I will be first in line for this movie this Fall!

What do you think of Javier Bardem as a blond in the new James Bond movie? Would you let your man dye his hair such a dramatic color? Share with us in the comments below!

Image via MGM