As if having a vagina that is too brown wasn't a big enough problem, now we ladies have a doctor on the attack against our personal grooming habits.
That's right, a family physician and director of the health center at Western University in Washington State, Dr. Emily Gibson, is calling for an end to the "war on pubic hair." Now, I don't want to tell the good doctor what she should and shouldn't do with her opinions, but I do have a few words for her: STAY AWAY FROM MY HAIRLESS VAGINA!
Readmore ¿Qué más? Yup, your vagina is probably too brown…
To be honest, I don't actually wax my nether regions. I have tried a Brazilian wax, I just didn't like it very much. I prefer other forms of personal grooming and, let me tell you, there is absolutely nobody that is going to tell me how I should or should not take care of my body—I don't care what degree hangs on their wall or what their reasoning is for judging my choices.
Mind you, Dr. Emily Gibson's reasons are pretty far fetched as it is. She claims that bikini waxing, laser hair removal and "vajazzling" (putting jewel decorations on your genitals) is "increasing the risk of infection and of sexually transmitted diseases amongst young people." Now, I can believe her on the risk of infections (some folks just don't know how to take care of themselves, post-wax) but STDs? Seriously?!
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Sure, there may be a miniscule chance of contracting an STD because of the "microscopic open wounds" that hair removal leaves behind, but I think the key here is to stress the importance of safe sexual practices.
Not to mention that the good doctor believes that this trend came about because of "the popularity of bikinis and thongs" and, let me tell you, if she goes after my right to wear a thong or bikini, then she's got another thing coming! I have absolutely no plans to give up my sexy underwear nor my right to get a Brazilian wax, should I ever want to try one again.
So please, Dr. Emily Gibson, just stick to worrying about your own vagina and leave mine alone!
What do you think of Dr. Emily Gibson calling for the end to the "war on pubic hair"? Do you agree with her or will you keep doing what you're doing? Share with us in the comments below!
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