I'm all about fashion and love shopping! As you can see, my mom taught me to be a good Latina. Another thing she taught me is not to break the bank while shopping for fashion. True, she was always looking for value but some of her shopping lessons came in the shape of "don't do as me". What I mean is that while my mom had impecable taste and knew the importance of not overpaying for any item (two habits I've been happy to adopt), there was a thing or two that taught me why being deliberate in your shopping is the only way to keep yourself from buying everything in sight.
So… as I sit here and remember the great shopping trips my mom and I shared, let me happily pass on some no-fail tips that will serve you well in your next trip to the mall!
- Shop your closet before you go out shopping. You'd be surprised to discover a piece or two or three that will suddendly seem like brand new. Besides, seeing that you in fact already own more than a couple of little black dresses will discourage you from going for that cute little number at your favorite store around the corner.
Read more ¿Qué más? First day of Spring shopping guide: Bright-colored pants!
2. Committ to buying only what you need. In other words, once you've taken inventory and realized that a new pair of floral jeans, a brown belt and sexy sandals for your sister's baby shower is what you need, stick to that list. Also, it's best to avoid the casual trip to the store when it's not to get a specific thing or it'll cost you. Guaranteed!
3. Try things on before you get to the cash register. What looks good on the hanger might not suit you as well. This strategy will keep you from buying items that later on you wish you didn't (and that'll probably never be returned to the store).
4. __Never pay full price.
What are your tips for saving money while shopping for fashion? Share them below in the Comments section.
__Image via Heyamberrae/Flickr