Inside the fab home of Larry Hernández & Kenia Ontiveros (PHOTOS)

Larry Hernández took a beating when he fell off that bicycle on New Year's weekend 2017, but at least he is recovering in the gorgeous home he purchased in 2013. The Mexican American singer and Kenia Ontiveros, his significant other, have shown us peeks of the home in Larrymanía, so we know that it's beautifully put together and decorated and lacks for nothing. We've seen that it's big and has gorgeous outdoor areas, but you've never seen it in as much detail as we're about to show you before.

More from MamásLatinas: The most lavish Latino celebrity homes in the U.S.! (PHOTOS)

The four bedroom, three bath, 3,345 square foot home is located in Covina, a suburb of Los Angeles, where the median home price is $518,200. Larry and Kenia's, of course, costs well above that. Larry paid top dollar for the property, which is sourrounded for almost an acre of land.

Larry paid more than $1 million for it and you can tell from the looks of the home inside that it's well worth that. The pool area is incredible, with palm trees and vegetation that makes it seem like a tropical oasis. But the best part? The master bedroom, with a metallic palette that gives it a rich (as in money!) feel. Have a look at the beautiful home!

According to real estate records, Larry Hernández bought the property in 2013.


The pool area is amazing.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

They have expanded the landscaping and it looks like a tropical paradise.

The property also has a nice chunk of land.


It used to be a stable with space for three horses, but the family uses it now to park their cars.

The home was curated by Mexican decorator Irma Pérez.

Finnos Interior Design/Instagram

This photo was taken when Kenia was pregnant with her younger daughter, Dalary, while doing the first home consultation.

This is the view of the front door from the inside.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

You can also see the formal living room, with a teal and metal palette.

This is another view of the main living room.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

As you can see, it's very sophisticated.

Since then Kenia has changed it a little.

Larry Hernández/Instagram

In this photo you can see that the gray couch in the living room is now yellow. That's about it.

The kitchen is connected to the family room.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

You can also see the dining room on the right side of the pic.

Here is a view of the kitchen from the dining room.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

This is a very modern concept.

The accessories are gorgeous.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

Most of them tie in with the metal-heavy design. They also provide texture.

You can see the bedrooms from the dining room.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

That stone wall you see at the end is the family room.

The stone looks great.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

The family room is the hub of the family life.

Here is how the kitchen looks when the family is cooking.

Larry also does a lot of Snapchat and InstaStories from there.

This is how the master bedroom looks when it's tidy.

Courtesy of NBC Universo

The metal palette is also repeated there.

There's a stone patio around the house.

Kenia Ontiveros/Instagram

It also expands to the pool area.

The stone work from the fireplace is replicated on the side of the home.

Kenia Ontiveros/Instagram

And it's one of the many upgrades Larry and Kenia have done to their beautiful home.