10 Things you need to know to understand the debate between Clinton and Trump

If you thought that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were going to talk about "The Wall" and undocumented immigrants when they mentioned Latinos during their first presidential debate, you were not alone. But there was hardly any mention of immigration. Even so, a Latina did become the symbol of the way the Republican candidate has treated women and the Hispanic population. I'm talking about ex-Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Here's that story and the debate's higlights.

More in Mamás Latinas: Why & how you HAVE TO use your right to vote this Election Day

Images via Getty, Alicia Machado/Instagram

The first question was about the economy and leveling the playing field.


Secretary of State Clinton won the coin toss, so she went first. She talked about raising the taxes on the very rich and helping small businesses.

For Trump, the economy is the worst it has ever been, altough unemployment is at 4.1% vs 8.1% four years ago. His plan is to lower the taxes on the rich, so they can create new jobs.

The mystery of Trump's tax returns became very unpresidential.

Image vi Getty Images

Clinton had several theories as to why Trump won't realese them, "Or maybe he doesn't want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he's paid nothing in federal taxes, because the only years that anybody's ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax," she said.

"That makes me smart," Trump said.

I guess that makes the rest of us dumb!

Trump repeated the same things about Clinton and tried to deny his own comments.

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The Republican candidate keeps trying to peg her as "more of the same", which makes sense, but what is weird is why wouldn't he admit to things that are easily fact-checked. Trump insisted that:

1. He didn't support the war against Iraq
2. He wasn't in favor of meddling in Lybia
3. There is no global warming

Unsurprisingly, his tweet denying the existence of global warming was everywhere seconds later.

Image viaDonald Trump/Twitter

Dear Mr. Trump, as I say to my kids, everything you put out online lives on forever.

México, México, México once again.

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There are not enough piñatas of Donald Trump in the world, that can make us even when it comes to the insults he has dedicated to Mexicans and Latinos in general. He started the night saying that México has been stealing jobs from Americans and then when talking about race relations, he insisted that undocumented immigrants were criminals. Still upseting, but nothing new.

Surprisingly enough, he didn't mention the wall even once.

The interruptions were annoying!

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I still can't understand how Hillary Clinton managed to keep her cool when he interrupted her. According to New York Magazine, Trump tried to cut her off 25 times in 26 minutes.

That was at the beginning when he was still looking good. After the first half hour, Trump looked more defeated and angry.

And then there was Alicia Machado...

Image viaAlicia Machado/Instagram

To drive her point about how Trump treats and talks about women, Clinton remainded us he called 1996's Miss Universe "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping" because she is Latina. 

The Venezuelan artist, model and businesswoman is a fierce Hillary supporter now and since Trump launched his campaign has been very vocal against him. She even became an American citizen this year to be able to vote.

And then, instead of talking about his plans to help women, he fat-shammed her again .

Miss Venezuela Organization

This is what Trump said this morning about Alicia Machado: "She was a Miss Universe contestant and ultimately a winner who they had a tremendously difficult time with as Miss Universe. She was the winner, and you know she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem, we had a real problem, not only with that but her attitude, and we had a real problem with her. So Hillary went back through the years and found the girl and talked about her like she was Mother Theresa, and it wasn’t quite that way, but that’s okay — Hillary has to do what she has to do."

Listening to Alicia Machado tell her story with Trump will break your heart.

It took 20 years, but now she gets her say and I could't be prouder.

Hillary Clinton won the debate.

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Only the openly and extremely conservative media says Donald Trump looked presidential during the debate. Most early polls and analysis give it to Hillary Clinton. 

However, what really matters is what happens in the polls. So remember: Register to vote and then do it.