To say that I cannot believe my eyes after watching a loving father communicate with his unborn baby is beyond an understatement. Look, I've been pregnant twice, I talked to my babies when they were in my womb and so did their father. I believe that my babies heard us, I believe that our babies responded sometimes with movement at the sound of our voice. One time in particular I swear one of my babies did a somersault, but none of that prepared me for extraordinary video below where a father talks to his baby who is still in the womb and tells the baby what to do and the baby ACTUALLY does it!
Read more ¿Qué Más?: 4 Juegos divertidos para que tus hijos aprendan sobre su historia familiar
You will see the mother-to-be sitting on a sofa with the baby's daddy next to her bare belly. The father is so sweet and always addresses the baby as "mi amor" before giving the baby instructions. The dad gets the baby to move like a worm, to hide from an uncle, to dance, to give him a kiss … it's ASTOUNDING. The child clearly can recognize his father's voice and seems eager to please.
Before I keep talking about the video, I want you to watch it because my words cannot do it justice. When you are done, keep reading because I have some responses for skeptics, okay?
So of course there are those who don't buy it. Those who say that there is no way a child who hasn't even been born could possibly understand what the heck the father is saying. Well, a reporter tracked down the couple who posted this video in El Salvador.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw the video, I thought that perhaps the mother was somehow enhancing the child's movements, but after seeing the follow up interview, I don't think so. When the couple was going to be interviewed the mother was at the hospital getting ready to give birth and the father started talking to her belly and telling the baby what do do again. Nurses stood and watched boquiabiertos as they say in Spanish. They said that the only reason the mother's body seemed to move when the baby moved was because the baby's motions were forcing her to. Amazing! I don't think they'd ever seen anything like it either.
You can check out the follow up interview below.
That baby is a genius or that mother is the best belly dancer in the world.
Image via Thinkstock