Unhappy with her looks, a 25-year-old woman from the U.K. has spent over $40,000 on plastic surgery in hopes of getting the perfect body. Maddison Hawk has had everything done from liposuction, lip fillers, a breast enhancement and yet still wants to do more. She's so obsessed that she doesn't plan on stopping until she finally looks the way that she wants!
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Hawk's obsession with her looks began at a very young. When she was only 6, her mom encouraged to go under the knife to have her ears pinned back, worried her daughter would get picked on in school. "After I had my ears done I got a taste for altering my body," she told the Daily Mail.
Hawk was so pleased with the results, she started planning out more plastic surgeries for after she turned 18. First she tried out simple beauty treatments like chemical peels, tattooed makeup, laser hair removal and teeth whitening. But when she turned 23 she decided to take things up a notch with an $8,000 boob job, taking her cup size from a 32C to a 32H. Wow, that's HUGE!
She's even had liposuction done on her belly, legs and chin and swears she'll keep having surgery until she has the perfect body. "I didn't see why you had to accept the way you were made, when there were so many treatments and surgeries available," she said. "I wanted to change the way I looked and started plotting as soon as I was old enough … And besides, what's the difference between wearing makeup and having liposuction? It's all just tinkering!" Um, there's a big difference. Makeup comes off, plastic surgery doesn't.
I hate to bust Hawk's bubble, but there's no such thing as "the perfect body." She should know that by now. What she has is called an addiction, meaning no matter how many procedures she has done she'll never be content because she's clearly not comfortable in her own skin. If you look at a before picture of her, Hawk was actually very pretty. She still looks good now, but it's just sad that she had to spend over $40,000 worth of plastic surgery and beauty procedures to help boost her self-esteem. And she's going to continue, so who knows how she'll look by the time she's 25. Sory girl, but money doesn't buy confidence!
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