Cutting down on calories is the guaranteed way to lose weight. But to avoid the feeling of hunger, you need to eat smart by filling your meals with food items that are naturally geared towards keeping you full for hours. Let me tell you which ones I'm talking about…
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This creamy fruit with a nutty texture contains 3.4 grams of fiber. The soluble content of the fiber slows down the metabolism process of the carbohydrates which in turn keeps you feeling full for long. Avocados also contain oleic acid, which is a type of fatty acid that promotes satiety in the part of the brain that is responsible for making you feel full.
Cayenne pepper

Red pepper induces feelings of satiety which promotes weight loss by decreasing the daily caloric intake. Along with that, studies show that cayenne pepper also increases lipid oxidation–a process through which stored fat is metabolized for energy. So if you are looking to lose weight, sprinkle some cayenne pepper to your meal. It will add a punch of flavor to your dish, keep you feeling full for a long period of time, while burning calories without you having to lift a finger.

Research shows that people who drink at least two glasses of water before a meal are more likely to eat fewer calories than those who don't. Drinking water before meals makes your stomach full without adding any calories. In fact, it makes you inclined to consuming less calories on your next meal. Also, our body finds it hard to tell the difference between hunger and thirst. So, the times when you think you are hungry, you might actually just be thirsty, which means that a glass of water might just be sufficient to curb your appetite.

Starting your day with eggs instead of cereal will help lower the hunger pangs throughout the day. Research shows that the amount of the hunger hormone is lower among egg eaters. They also have higher levels of PYY, which is a hormone that promotes satiety. Eggs are rich in protein, which is another reason why it is so successful at curbing our appetite.

Soups are great appetite tamers. Soup remains in our stomach for a longer period of time, which wards off hunger pangs. Since the walls of the stomach remains stretched because of the presence of soup, the presence of the hunger hormone in our bloodstream lowers, which promotes the feeling of satiety. The stomach empties soup much slower than solid foods, which means that you will not feel hungry hours after you had your bowl of soup.

Oatmeal curbs appetite with its fiber and protein content. Starting your day with a serving of oatmeal will suppress your desire to eat for hours after. Oatmeal has viscosity, which refers to a slimy feeling that you feel in your mouth when having oatmeal. This viscosity is also responsible for promoting satiety. This viscosity is produced by a specific fiber called beta glucagon, which is present in oatmeal. So if you are trying to slim down, have oatmeal for breakfast.

Nuts such as peanuts and almonds are very filling. They are rich in unsaturated fats, along with vitamins, which are very healthy for you. They also contain fiber and protein, all of which work together to slow down the digestion process while keeping the sugar level stabilized. But it is important to make sure not to overeat nuts because you can easily pack on calories that way.