You may be suffering from this common condition that doesn’t let you lose weight

If you're having a hard time losing weight, there might be a simple reason for your struggle. I understand it can be frustrating and incredibly confusing. You eat right, you exercise hard, yet for some reason, the scale refuses to budge. You may even have friends, who you know don't work as hard in the gym as you do, that are seeing changes week after week as you continue to struggle.

If this sounds like you, you may have a condition that affects many of us. The good news is, I'm going to show you a way to improve this condition so you can finally start getting the results you deserve.

Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Mistakes that slow down your metabolism & pack on the pounds!

The condition is called "insulin resistance." What is it? Let me explain: Your body works hard to maintain balance. It doesn't like sudden change. One of the most important things to keep in balance is your blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar goes too low, you might start to shake, become dizzy and weak, or feel anxious. When your blood sugar becomes too high, you feel drowsiness, extreme thirst, or even blurred vision.

Luckily, your body has a built-in response to protect you from this happening. It produces a hormone called insulin which is responsible for keeping your blood sugar levels constant. So when you eat a meal high in carbohydrates, your blood sugar rises, and your body releases insulin to bring it back to normal.

That's the way it's supposed to work. It all happens automatically. But when you're insulin resistant, your cells have a hard time using that insulin. So your body has to produce massive amounts in order to get the job done. This can cause serious problems. Your body wasn't designed to deal with so much insulin.  So when there's too much of it in your blood, it causes inflammation and slows down your metabolism. In other words, it makes you store fat! It also makes you feel constantly tired and worn down. It puts you at greater risk of developing serious conditions like type-2 diabetes, heart disease, or breast cancer.

So whether you want to look great in a bikini or just live a long healthy life, it's absolutely crucial you get insulin resistance under control. And the best way to get insulin resistance under control is by eating the right foods. You see, when you have insulin resistance, you want to prevent those sudden spikes in blood sugar that cause insulin to be released.

So basically, you have to be careful not to eat too many carbohydrates at once. That's why the ideal diet for those with insulin resistance is to eat foods high in lean protein and healthy fats. You should avoid all processed carbs, like pasta, bread and anything containing sugar. Really, the only carbohydrates you eat should come from vegetables, with the occasional serving of fruit. You should also spread your meals out throughout the day to minimize the insulin spikes. Try to eat a small protein-rich meal every few hours.

When you have insulin resistance, it's very important to exercise. Exercise helps regulate your metabolism and balance out your hormones. It also helps to remove stress from your body, which helps to keep insulin levels in check. For best results, get at least 30 minutes in, three to five times per week.

So there you have it: By cutting back on the carbs,  eating your protein at every meal, and getting your exercise in regularly, you can beat insulin resistance and start melting the pounds.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment in the section below!

*Image via Thinkstock

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