Baby face appears on mom’s pregnant belly, freaks her & everyone else out!

A mom in England got the surprise of her LIFE when she recently saw a face appear on her pregnant belly! Karen McMartin was at work and showing off her bump to her coworkers when her boss suddenly realized a shape had started to emerge from the pregnant woman's bellybutton that looked exactly like the face of a baby. Talk about crazy!

The 25-year-old mom, who has a 2-year-old daughter already, was shocked–and needless to say her coworkers at the salon where she makes her living were too! So was I when I saw that face peeking out from beneath the pregnant woman's skin–anyone remeber the terrifying film Aliens? Cause I do, and I don't know about you, but I was a little freaked out.

McMartin was 25 weeks pregnant at the time that the creepy face appeared. British daily The Sun's medical expert even weighed in saying that it wasn't actually the baby's face (well, we hope not!) but "an illusion caused by Karen's belly button, an old navel piercing, veins, and stretch marks. The paler area that forms the 'face' may well be the baby's back."

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Mom McMartin and her husband, David, are taking it all in stride though. "No one can believe how clear it is. You can see a nose, mouth and eyes–even the cheeks," the mom told the British newspaper. O course, the couple has been showing everyone the strange-but-incredible picture! 

creepy pregnant belly

I remember when I was pregnant, the first time I saw my baby via ultrasound was amazing! As time went on and my due date got closer, I was dying to meet my little guy–mostly because my husband and I were anxious to see what he'd look like (and, let's be real, WHO he would look like). As he got bigger, I could see his little elbow and sometimes even his butt poke out of my huge bump–but thankfully I never saw anything that even remotely resembled a face! Honestly, I don't know how this mom isn't even a little disturbed. Hopefully the baby-to-be will be way cuter than the imprint of this ghost infant on the mom's belly, hahaha!

Image via Thinkstock,