SEE: Salma Hayek is turning 50 & looks incredible in a bikini

Salma Hayek turns 50 in exactly one day and the Mexican beauty still looks stunning in a bikini. It's hard to hate on the Latina star–especially since she's so real about body confidence. She doesn't always feel great about herself and that makes her freaking human. Look at Hayek's amazing figure in a swimsuit. We all hope to look this good when turning the big 5-0! 

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I mean, come on! Hayek looks toned to perfection. She's really defying all laws of aging and gravity. It could be genetic, too. A new study by UCLA analyzed 6,000 DNA samples and found that Latinas age slower than other ethnic backgrounds.

I always figured that since my older relatives still got it going on, but now there's scientific proof! "Latin women's blood was across the board younger than anyone else's," according to Allure. Now this is something to brag about and gives us all a little hope. 

The Latina star also relies on her grandmother's natural beauty remedies instead of plastic surgery. Yes! Finally a Hollywood star who really keeps it real. 

Image via Splash