10 Lies all moms tell themselves

Being a mami is not for the weak. No señor, it is hard, grueling and incredibly challenging work that happens daily. Sometimes the only way we can make it through the day is by telling ourselves little lies. Click through this gallery of lies moms tell themselves and don't be surprised to find yourself nodding in agreement. 

Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Unbelievable celebrity parenting fails

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The leaving them alone lie

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You stepped out of the room for 10 seconds and somehow your non-walking kid managed to make a mess that will take you much longer than 10 seconds to clean up.

The dishes lie

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You tell yourself that doing dishes isn't really all that bad while fantasizing about hiring William Levy to come over and wash them for you.

The cleaning lie

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Every time you clean the house you tell yourself it will stay clean for more than a minute. It never does.

The dinner lie

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Every evening you tell yourself that you won't have to cater to picky eaters because everyone will love everything you made.

The toilet paper lie

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Even though you KNOW you are the only one who ever replaces the toilet paper, you tell yourself someone else might do it next time.

The shopping lie

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You head out to the grocery store confident that this one time your kids will behave like perfect little angels.

The sleep lie

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You wake up tired, but it's okay because tonight will be the night your baby sleeps through the entire night. NOT!!!

The yelling lie

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You start off every day vowing not to yell, but your kids seem to be hard of hearing or something because before you know it you're yelling.

The shoe lie

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You tell yourself that if you could just get a pedicure you would actually wear your beautiful tacones.

The makeup lie


You've convinced yourself that if you just had a few minutes to put on makeup you would look just like Sofia Vergara because she's a mom too.