Washing your hair seems like a no brainer–but apparently we've all been doing it wrong. You'd be surprised how badly you could ruin your hair by not washing it right. In fact, bad shampoo habits are actually worse than not shampooing at all. It might sound crazy, but believe me it's true. Forget everything you knew about shampoo and find out how you SHOULD be washing your hair!
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For years we've been fooled into believing that the more lather your shampoo has the better. When in fact, the lather that shampoo lets out comes from harsh sulfates that can actually dry out and damage your hair with time. It's especially bad for curly (dry prone), chemically processed, and color treated hair. Switch to a sulfate-free formula, like L'Oreal Paris Ever Strong Sulfate-Free Hair & Scalp System Thickening Shampoo ($5).
Shampoo more than once

If you're shampooing, then rinsing, then shampooing, then rinsing–stop! A good sulfate-free shampoo along with a gentle massage should be enough to cleanse your scalp and remove product buildup. Shampoo once, rinse, and then follow with a conditioner.
Shampoo every day

The idea that you must shampoo your hair daily is a myth. Even if you have oily-prone hair there's no reason why you should be washing it every single day. If you need a refresher, apply a dry shampoo to your roots before bed. You'll wake up the next morning with bouncier strands. Try Garnier Fructis Volume Extend Bodifier Dry Shampoo ($6).
Drying out your curly hair

Curly hair is naturally prone to dryness, which is why you should be gently cleansing it rather than shampooing it. Instead use a cleansing conditioner that's going to remove oils and product buildup while moisturizing, like Ouidad Curl Co-Wash ($36).
You use hot water

As tempting as it is to shower in hot water, it's the worst thing you can do to your hair. If you can tolerate it, try washing it in lukewarm water. I like rinsing out my conditioner with cold water to help lock in shine.
You use a towel to dry your heair

Did you know that drying your hair with a towel could actually trigger frizz? And it's especially the case for curly or wavy strands. Try using a T-shirt instead.
You use dandruff shampoo

I don't know about you, but dandruff shampoos rarely ever work for me. Instead try rinsing your hair with organic apple cider vinegar. It gets those pesky flakes right out!