Once you survive all of the amazing and annoying changes that come with pregnancy, it's time for your body to heal and recuperate. You may think that you'll be in the clear after nine months of carrying your baby, but the truth is that there's still plenty of post-partum health issues to keep a watchful eye on. Your health is just as important as your newborn's. Be sure not to ignore these post-pregnancy signs your body may try to warn you about.
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Back & hip pain

The achy back you had during pregnancy may linger on after you give birth. Whether you're experiencing mild or chronic back pain, it's best to contact your doctor, a physical therapist or acupuncturist to help alleviate the discomfort.
Pain during sex

You want to wait until the vaginal tissue heals before getting intimate with your partner. Typically, this will take four to six weeks. You should contact your doctor if you experience heavy vaginal bleeding during or after sex, which could be caused by a postpartum hemorrhage.

The "baby blues," which is a mild form of depression or moodiness after giving birth, goes away after a couple of days or weeks. If the feelings linger for longer, this may be postpartum depression. Don't ignore it and be sure to contact your doctor.
Irregular bowel movements

Experiencing constipation is also common after pregnancy. This is due to having an enlarged uterus putting pressure on the lower abdomen. This could cause mild to severe pain. Talk to your doctor and make sure you consume a fiber-rich diet or vitamins.
Cracked or inflamed nipples

If you experience painful, cracked or inflamed nipples, it could be caused by bacteria. Mastitis or a breast infection could cause vomiting, fever or fatigue. Your doctor will prescribe treatment with antibiotics.

Hemorrhoids are pretty common after having a vaginal delivery. Try a warm sitz bath or over-the-counter creams for temporary relief. Rectal bleeding could be a sign of an infection, which could be life-threatening. Make sure you contact your doctor immediately.
High blood pressure

Preeclampsia causes high blood pressure, which can put you at risk of suffering from eclampsia. The symptoms to look out for are headaches, blurred vision, nausea, aches and pains.
Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain could be a symptom of ab separation or diastasis recti. This is caused when the ab muscles separate to make room for the baby. After pregnancy, it can cause pelvic pain. There are exercises to help recover the ab muscles.
Swollen skin

After a c-section, the skin around the incision starts to get itchy as it heals. Avoid scratching since it could cause swollen skin or an infection, which will lead to draining pus. Call your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Vaginal discharge

Lochia is known as your postpartum period. Usually, women experience heavy bleeding at first, which slowly dissipates. You want to contact your doctor if the bleeding doesn't get lighter or go away after a couple of weeks.