10 Things Latina moms worry about during the holidays

The holidays have taken on a whole new meaning now that I am a mother. As a kid I loved the holidays and the way we celebrated them: a blending of Latin and American traditions. It's a beautiful thing to have more than one culture to celebrate, but now that I'm a mother and in charge of planning our multi-cultural celebrations, I realize there is a whole lot to worry about. Mark my words these are the things that worry Latina moms during the holidays

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1. Am I teaching them enough about both cultures or am I cheating them twice over?

2. Am I awful if I skip the whole Día de los Reyes deal? I mean I didn't even celebrate it growing up, but maybe I should do it for my kids anyway.

3. How do I explain to all the non-Latinos in my life that my kids' sleep cycles aren't going to be ruined for life if I let them stay up at least until midnight on Nochebuena?

4. Crap! If my kids are staying up until midnight on Christmas Eve, when the heck is Santa Claus going to come?

5. How many presents come from Santa Claus, how many come from baby Jesus (does baby Jesus even give presents??) and how many come from me? Sheesh, this is going to be expensive.

6. I've got dinner for Nochebuena covered, but do I have to make a HUGE Christmas Day dinner too? Not turkey again, por please!

7. How the heck am I going to differentiate between the rompope and egg nog so the kids don't get drunk?

8. Oh my Dios, will there be enough food? I better get some more food; I don't think there's enough food.

9. Do we open the gifts Nochebuena or do I force the kids to wait until they go to sleep and wake up? Or let them open just one at midnight? But then who is that one present from … Santa Claus, baby Jesus or …?

10. Oh my GATOS, what am I going to do with all this leftover food?! Whose idea was it to make so much food? Maybe I should wake the kids up and make them eat more.

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