Losing weight can be a daunting task. Having this big, vague goal that we keep focusing on, such as "I will lose X pounds," can make it hard to ever cross that elusive finish line. I mean, where to even start, right? The key is to not only to make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. in the first place (that would stand for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely), but also to slowly incorporate habit changes that you can stick with for the long run. Below are seven little things you can do every day to help you lose weight without feeling overwhelmed.
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1. Eat breakfast. It's a no-brainer, but one that bears repeating. Opting out of a good breakfast first thing in the morning will turn you into a ravenous beast come lunchtime or you'll be more likely to go for that Snickers bar to hold you until your next meal.
2. Keep a food journal. Keeping track of what you're munching on and the feelings around those cravings could help you notice trends and eventually beat off triggers at the pass. Plus, seeing just how many cups of coffee you actually drink a day could finally raise that mental red flag and help you cut back on unhealthy choices.
3. Break a sweat. Working out doesn't have to be an intense situation every single time. If you commit to exercising for a few minutes every day and then increase your time from there, then it'll seem more doable. Park a little farther from the entrance, wear a pedometer, go for the stairs, do jumping jacks during commercial breaks, or bike to work to squeeze in some physical activity each day.
4. Chart your weight. This might be a toughie because who really wants to be reminded of that number, but it'll keep you focused on your goal. Charting it will serve as continued motivation once that line starts going down, down, down…
5. Plan meals. Knowing exactly what you'll be eating throughout the week will help keep you in check. Many of the times I've caved into ordering take-out are a result of just not knowing what to cook. That frazzled "Oh my God, I'm so famished, but what should I make?" feeling is enough to cloud judgment. Give yourself a schedule, what you'll be having for each meal, including bagged lunches and healthy snacks, then rest easy knowing that you're taking good care of future you.
6. Eat slowly. It takes a while for our brains to realize that we've had our fill so if you wolf down every meal, you'll definitely intake more than you need. Not to mention all the air you'll gobble down with it. Instead, make sure you chew your food completely (it'll help with digestion) and savor every bite.
7. Cut back on liquid calories. Do you even know how many calories you're drinking when you reach for the soda, the juice, coffee, tea, etc.? It's a lot! These are all empty calories with no nutrients, so make sure you save your daily caloric intake for food that will provide actual nutrients. It might be hard to cut these cold turkey so aim to switch out at least one or two drinks for a tall glass of water instead and then continue increasing that number.
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