It's one thing to be pregnant and then it's a whole other thing to be Mexican and pregnant. You have specific cravings for specific Mexican delicacies and you start thinking about all the Mexican pregnancy superstitions that you dismissed as ridiculous before you got knocked up. Now that you are preggers, I don't care how scientific your mind normally is, you get all, vale más that I pay attention because I don't want to take any chances with my baby and if anything goes wrong I will never hear the end of it from my familia.
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Here are eight signs that you are Mexican and pregnant:
1. You crave chicharrones and fruit drizzled with lemon and chamoy.
2. You almost faint when you find out you can't have queso fresco.
3. You start stocking up on fajas during your pregnancy because you know they are they only thing that will help you get your waistline back after the baby.
4. You totally believe your doctor when she tells you it's okay to keep exercising, but you workout in private because you do not want to hear it from your mamá or tiás.
5. You give into EVERY single craving because otherwise your baby will be born looking like what you were craving and who the heck wants a chicharrón-faced baby?
6. You seriously consider saving your baby's first pee to rub on the pregnancy manchas you have because it's supposed to make them disappear.
7. If there is a full moon out, you try not go out, but if you do, you make sure to wear a safety pin on the inside of your clothes touching your belly or your baby will be born with a cleft palate.
8. Your prima keeps telling you that the dark line down your belly, the línea negra, means you are having twins. You know she's wrong, but you make the doctor check just to make sure you don't have twins in there.
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