Abuelos spend thousands on boob job for granddaughter

Amy Hart, a 22-year-old from the U.K., suffered from low self-esteem because of her size 34A breasts. For her 21st birthday, her grandparents, Dee and Harry Giles, made Amy's dreams come true by paying for a boob job.

The beautiful airline stewardess originally asked her mother, Susan Hart, to pay for her breast implants but her mother said that it no so she went to her grandparents. They said no, but Amy told them she was willing to take out a loan to finance her breasts, they gave in. A few days later, Amy went under the knife to get her boobs upgraded to a size 34DD.

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When she was 17, she had veneers put on to correct her teeth. Feels like she thinks surgery will fix her life. Now, she is using her beautiful veneered smile and her new and improved breasts to compete in beauty pageants. She says she owes it all to her new found confidence and her grandparents.

The best bit is that it's not all about looking nice and pretty dresses–it's about inspiring younger girls and raising thousands for charity. I've always been flat-chested and all my friends are really skinny with massive boobs and I would actually hide and refuse to sunbathe next to them.

Some of us have big asses and some of us have small breasts, most of us are not aesthetically perfect or even close to perfect. Some people feel they are too tall or too short, too fat or too skinny and, honestly, I've never met a person who was completely happy with their appearance but I don't think that plastic surgery is the answer to all of life's problems

If a child is being bullied for ears that stick out or some deformity that is hindering their confidence so badly that they are becoming withdrawn, then I understand considering plastic surgery for quality of life purposes. But I feel like Amy Hart basically threw a tantrum to get her way by threatening financial ruin and now she's showing her boobs off to the world. Look at me, I got my way! Aren't I pretty? First world problems, people.

 Image via Daniel Oines/Flickr