This gun safety PSA that I just watched managed to do something that I thought was impossible. It managed to make me laugh about a very serious subject while still getting its point across. Listen, regardless of where you stand on the whole gun control issue I'm sure we all can agree that gun safety is a very important issue for all our children. I would love to know that I will never again have to write a story about a child being killed or accidentally killing someone because a gun was not properly locked up and put out of reach.
I really think this PSA because of its humor has a chance of getting through to many people.
Read more in ¿Qué más?: The scariest PSA you never want your kids to see
It certainly doesn't come off as preachy. It's way too funny to be preachy. It shows two young boys who got into a mom's stash of vibrators and decided to use them to sword fight because kids are kids and they will act like kids, right?
The voice-over at the end brings it all full circle by saying, "If they find it, the'll play with it. So always lock up your guns." WORD! That is nothin' but the truth right there. Children cannot help but be curious, wily and playful by nature. So watch this PSA, laugh and then if you have them, go lock up your guns. Oh and moms, you may want to find a better hiding place for your ahem toys too.
Image via YouTube*