Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are drawing even more backlash than usual this week after they reportedly decided to pierce their daughter North's ears for her birthday. While on a recent shopping trip, Kardashian was photographed carrying around her toddler, who turned 1 year old this past weekend, and diamond studs are clearly visible in the little girl's ears. Of course, the sight has stirred up all kinds of fury amongst the public, who have called the move "cruel and tacky" and even accused the two of child abuse.
OK, there are A LOT of things that bother me about Kim and Kanye, but even I have to admit that this is completely ridiculous.
Read more ¿Qué más?: SEE: Kim Kardashian goes braless & flashes boobs pushing stroller with North
I guess I shouldn't be surprised as the subject of ear piercing in babies has long since been a controversial one. Some believe that parents should wait until their kids can make the decision for themselves, as is the case here. Others just think it's in bad taste. However you may feel though, I can't believe anyone would go so far as to call it abuse. That's a serious accusation to make and people shouldn't be throwing it around lightly, especially when it's blatantly false.
But perhaps even worse than those throwing criticism at Kim and Kanye? Those throwing insults at baby North. That's right … there are actually some lowlifes out there, who are making fun of North and calling her "even more ugly" now that she has pierced ears. What is wrong with people?! Are they seriously hating on an innocent baby? An innocent ADORABLE baby, I might add?
Personally, I think it's a parent's right to get their child's ears pierced if they wish. Maybe it's because I'm a Latina and it's a very common practice in the culture, but I honestly don't get the big deal. It's not like kids who get the piercings grow up traumatized. The vast majority of them don't even remember it happening. Besides, most girls end up getting their ears pierced at some point anyway.
That being said, if parents don't want to get their girls' ears pierced at that young an age, that's their prerogative. But it's not OK to shame moms and dads for doing so if that's what they want, just as it's even more not OK to make fun of a baby who happens to have them. I mean, come on, people, there are a lot bigger things to worry about in this world. And while I totally understand the temptation to make fun of Kim and Kanye (I mean, did they really need to get her diamonds?), there's absolutely no reason to drag their defenseless baby into it.
Image via Splash News