Next Wednesday is one of my favorite children's celebration. Known in Spanish as El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros and observed every April 30 for the last 18 years, the idea behind DÍA is to celebrate children and books. What's not to love about that?
Books are an absolutely excellent way to help your niños become bilingual, so this is the perfect celebration in my home. Every year we do something different and my kids have tons of fun. Here are some ideas you can try with yours:
Read more ¿Qué más?: 6 Reasons why every child should be bilingual
1. Throw a Book Fiesta. Organize a party using books as the theme. You can choose a particular bilingual book to showcase, like Pat Mora's–the creator of DÍA–Book Fiesta and plan fun activities and crafts around the topic of the book. You can give kids books as party favors.
2. Put together a puppet show. Kids love puppet shows and if you get them involved it's even better. Ideally, you can all pick a book together and work on the puppets so you can put on the show for the rest of the family.
3. Help your children create their own books. All you need is some paper and some crayons. Allow their imaginations to take over and let them write about whatever they want. They can make their own illustrations or use old magazines to cut out images of things they want in their books.
4. Take your children to a DÍA celebration. This day is becoming more and more popular around the countries. Check your local art or children's museum and your local libraries or bookstores to see what kind of event they've put together in honor of books and children.