6 Things I wish my kids would give up for Lent

It's true I am a non-religious Latina. Don't be shocked, we do exist. We are not mythical like the unicorn, just more rare. I did, however, grow up in a Catholic family, so I am well aware of certain religious practices like Lent. I'm also what you would call conveniently religious. I have been known to cross myself when someone is driving like a fool, I pray (except I say that it is to the Universe, instead of God) and right about now, I would not mind if my kids gave up a few things for Lent.

Whether you observe Lent or not, if you have kids I'm sure you will understand where I am coming from.

Read more ¿Qué Más?:5 things to think about giving up for Lent

Here are six things I wish my kids would give up for Lent:

1. Stop waking me up at night. I can hardly imagine 40 nights of undisturbed sleep, but I want it.

2. Stop repeating things over and over. Yes, I heard you, you want milk, I'm on my way to get you some. Asking me for it 50 more times is not going to make me get it any faster.

3. Stop wanting what the other one has. I have two girls. If one of them is playing with something, the other one has to have it too. It doesn't matter if it is a toy that gets no attention at any other time, as soon as it is in one of their hands it becomes the most coveted toy in the world.

4. Stop growing up so fast. Seriously, slow down. Where did my babies go?

5. Stop eating onlycarbs. No, darlin', bread, cereal and a tortilla does not make for a  well-rounded meal.

6. Stop asking me questions I'm not ready to answer. No, I don't want to keep you in the dark about things, but you ask some pretty intense questions that lead to intense conversations. Can't we just talk about how pretty butterflies are and how much I love you?

Aww, writing that list of things I would like my kids to give up for Lent makes me realize how many things I would never want them to stop doing. I guess one thing I could give up for Lent is wishing for the impossible because my reality is pretty darned good.

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