Don't we all want to be healthier? I know I do. I want to be healthy for myself and for my family. I want to live a long life so that I can witness what my children will accomplish. Living a long life is not enough though. I want that longevity to be accompanied with health. Health isn't something you just wake up to one morning, it's something you maintain and build with daily choices. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming to make healthy choices when it feels so much easier and convenient to go with fast and convenient even if it doesn't add up to healthy in the long run. The thing is that there are so many simple ways to make healthy choices.
Read more in ¿Qué más?: How to make a healthier kid-friendly breakfast for the whole family
I can give you five super easy changes that will help you get healthier that you can implement immediately. Do them, you'll thank me in the long run.
Buy a good water bottle

Okay, so buying a good water bottle won't actually help you get healthier unless you use it to inspire you to drink more water. Buy a groovy water bottle that totally appeals to you, fill in with water, take it with you, and stay hydrated. Amazon, $22.99

Floss! Get rid of germs and plaque where a toothbrush can't by flossing. It helps prevent gum disease and keep you smile-ready.
Eat more fruit

Buy fruits you love and eat them DAILY! They are full of vitamins and fiber and provide sweetness that is far better for you than candy.
Wear sunscreen

Not only does sunscreen help prevent skin cancer, it helps prevent aging to keep you looking young. Just ask this kid.
Laugh more

Laughter is a stress reliever. Stress is not good for you, therefore you should laugh more. Be a fool, tell bad jokes, hang out with people who crack you up, do whatever it takes to get your laughter on.