If your abuela is alive and you have a relationship, I would like to urge you to cherish her. My abuela passed away a very long time ago and it will always be one of my regrets that I did not truly appreciate her when she was around. We were just so different and the advice that she would give struck me as antiquated and not so female-friendly. We are products of different generations, I get that now, but I didn't back then. Back then, when I had her, I would open my mouth like it was no big thing and tell her exactly what I was thinking. If she were around now, I would keep my mouth shut a lot more and just listen. So, please, take it from me about the following 10 things you should never say to your abuela and just don't.
Read more ¿Qué más?: WATCH this twerking abuela put Miley Cyrus to shame! (VIDEO)
- Abuela, did you have sex with grandpa before you got married because things just aren't adding up?
- No, they don't teach me how to cook at school, they teach me real things.
- But I don't want to have kids!
- Of course Juan Gabriel is gay.
- Don't you think you are being a little machista?
- Have you seen my birth control pills?
- Why do you scoop your breasts into your bra?
- That telenovela is so unrealistic.
- No thank you nana, I don't want any of your albondigas, I'm just going to go grab something at McDonald's.
- Are you kidding me? My mother never takes us to church unless you are here.
Really, sometimes with abuelas it's best to keep your big mouth shut!
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