Terrible apps show women how their bodies would look post-plastic surgery

As if women didn't get enough pressure when it comes to our looks, now there are plastic surgery smartphone apps encouraging us to see ourselves post-procedure. And it's not just two or three apps out there either. According to reports, there are already over 200 of these apps available. And of course the majority of women that get on these apps (whether they originally wanted to or not) eventually get convinced into going under the knife. This is crazy!

Read more ¿Qué más? Kim Kardashian: Before & after plastic surgery 

Most of these plastic surgery apps are available on Apple's App Store and Google's Play store. A lot of them require payment, still there are quite a few that are actually free. What's even scarier is how easy they are to use. All you need to do is download the app, upload a picture of yourself and immediately start altering your looks using the morphing technology tools. This might seem like fun to some, but doctors claim that these apps are actually quite dangerous.

"The recent appearance of Morphing Apps for patients themselves to use, is a worrying although inevitable consequence of technological developments coupled with an apparent insatiable appetite for more cosmetic surgery," said Dr. Paul Harris of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. "They give the impression that such changes are easily replicated by surgery and that changing the look of a particular part of the body is as easy as turning a dial on a Smartphone." That's right–it's not as easy as these horrible apps make it seem!

Now here's where things get even crazier: Once users have created their morphed images they are given the option to upload them to a sharing website. The problem is that on these sharing websites others can comment on before and after pictures, many times pressuring users into getting a plastic surgery procedure they may not have even considered getting to begin with.

I'm not by any means surprised that these apps exist. Unfortunately, we live in a plastic-surgery obsessed world and I'm not entirely convinced that's ever going to change. But I do know that apps like these are only going to draw more and more people to consider going under the knife. Too bad we can't put a ban on them!

Image via Plastic-surgery-simulator.com