One of the best things about being a parent to young children is the fact that you can spend quality time with them doing different things. Lilly and Leon Mackie had extra cardboard boxes lying around when they decided to tap into their creative minds. They ended up recreating famous movie scenes using their baby Orson as one of the lead roles!
Let's just say as an avid movie goer myself, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
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The parents used their creations for Cardboard Box Office, a blog which shows movie scenes depicted with cardboard boxes. Among the many scenes they recreate are Jaws, Alien, Home Alone, Castaway, Jurassic Park, and Terminator.
I'm sure if the movie producers and actors saw the way Lilly, Leon, and Orson perfectly depicted the films, they'd get starring roles too. According to Lilly, the scene that got the most hype was the first one they shot about The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. The parents simply wanted to show what their new lives were like with a baby. Some scenes were even a challenge and had to be timed perfectly in order for all three of them to be in the shot.
In the future she says they may try to recreate something darker such as Goodfellas or another Martin Scorcese film. You hear that, Martin? You may have found your next Leonardo Dicaprios in the making!
Take a look at the cute movie scenes below and tell us which are your favorites!
Image via Cardboardboxoffice.com
Home Alone

Baby Orson as Kevin McCallister and his parents as the sticky bandits is priceless!

Tom Hanks eat your heart out. Orson made Castaway look super cute–complete with a Wilson!
The Terminator

Unlike Arnold Schwarzenneger, we have a feeling Orson will be back. Great depiction of The Terminator!

If you're a horror film fan then you are familiar with Alien. I'd say the Mackies pulled it off, scary alien and all!
The World's Fastest Indian

Depicting the film The World's Fastest Indian seemed to come easy for little Orson!
Jurrassic Park

Look how brave Orson is facing the giant T-Rex in Jurrasic Park. He would have made a great addition to the cast had be been born when the film was shot.
Apollo 13

Tom Hanks would also be proud of this Apollo 13 depiction. How awesome does that look?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Clint Eastwood would approve.
Die Hard

Looks like Orson is trying to take over Bruce Willis' role in Die Hard. I'm okay with this because he does his own stunts and is way cuter!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

As an Indiana Jones fan, this was one of my favorite scenes they depicted.
Star Wars

Nerds will rejoice when they see how well the Mackies represent Star Wars. Looks lke the force is with little Orson!
The Dark Knight

Watch out Batman, there's a new hero in town and he's not afraid to stay up all night to fight crime!

Looks like they're going to need a bigger boat! This Jaws depiction is perfect!
The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou

Bill Murray would be proud at the hard work this family put in to depict one of his biggest movies. Now I'd like to see them try to copy Groundhog Day!