Childbirth, it's one of the most natural things in the world and has been going on for as long as humans have been getting it on, I suppose. I've given birth, but I've never helped deliver a baby and quite frankly, I'd rather not. Nowadays with all sorts of medical advances and options available to us, most people deliver babies with the help of someone who knows what they are doing. Still, sometimes a baby comes when a baby is ready, whether that is a convenient time or not. Hence we hear of babies being born in the strangest of places and being delivered with the help of someone who is anything but experienced in delivering babies. Who knows, one day you may be in that position? Would you know what to do if you had to help deliver a baby? More importantly would you know what NOT to do? The hilarious video How to Deliver a Baby will give you some pointers and make you chuckle at the same time.
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I find the video particularly funny because although the title suggests that you will learn the proper way to deliver a baby, it actually gives you quite a few examples of things you should not do. For example, I'm pretty sure that if you are with a mother who is about to give birth, you should NOT "freak the f**k out." Tempting as that might be, it won't help the situation.
I don't want to give away all the funny this video has to offer, but I do want to say that I will never look at a pickle the same way again. I'll still eat them, but I'll have to shake the image of them being like a baby out of my head before I take a bite.
Image via YouTube