My mother tells this story that when I was very little I took a super long strip of lollipops at the store, rolled them up and shoved them in my underwear to steal them. I have no recollection of the incident or the punishment that ensued.
How many parents have had to deal with similar scenarios? Countless, I'm sure. So how exactly do parents deal with this sort of sticky fingers behavior from their kids? One mother after catching her 5-year-old daughter giving herself a five-finger candy discount at the store for what was NOT the first time got REALLY upset!
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"I took my daughter to JAIL!!!" she admitted on Reddit. Did she go too far? After realizing her daughter had stolen candy, she marched her straight to the local police station where a very kind officer played along and scared the child straight, so to speak. Some people are saying that the mother took it too far and that now she may grow up with a fear of authority figures and cops, not to mention you should not waste police resources in this manner. To them I say, GET OVER IT!
According to the mother, this wasn't the first time her child had snagged candy without paying for it. In the past the child was made to return the candy and apologize and was warned that if she did it again, the next stop would be the police. Guess what? She did it again, so as promised, to the police station they went.
Do I think this child will suffer a fear of cops for the rest of her life? Nope. It appears she got a hug from the officer after assuring him her life of crime was over. Do I think it was a waste of police resources to have to deal with this mother disciplining her child? No, I think that if there was an emergency going on the cops would know how to prioritize, it's not like the mom called 911 for crying out loud. Plus, come on, it's a way to interact with the public that will actually create a nice story about cops to retell.
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