The first thing that comes to mind when I hear about these types of cases is: WHY!? We're in the 21st century! So how is it possible that ANOTHER Mexican woman was forced to give birth right on the street?! Is it that health care workers are dumb or just plain evil? Indolence just is not a good enough reason to explain what happened to poor Ruth Mendoza.
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This case, like the one that shocked the world exactly one month ago, happened in Oaxaca, where a doctor from the health center that treated Ruth sent her back home, in the middle of labor! According to what her abuela, Adriana Hernández, told the media, Dr. Adán Hernández ignored what the woman in labor was telling him and what her own family was saying–they all confirmed that the baby was about to be born.
The doctor was so heartless, in fact, that he didn't even let Ruth stay in the hospital when her family told him that they didn't have a car and that they'd have to go back home on foot. They were one block from the clinic when Ruth told her mom that she couldn't go any further and was actually about to give birth. So right there, on the street, Ruth gave birth to a baby boy. "I had a sheet and I covered the baby with that, but he was blue, he didn't cry, nothing, that's when everybody came: the doctor, the ambulance driver, and that's when they sent her to the hospital," mom Adriana said. How awful!
Both baby and mom were hospitalized and the family is bringing this shameful case to authorities in charge of defending human rights. I think the doctor who sent Ruth home should at the very least lose his license. It's inconceivable what he did!
Image via Azteca Noticias