Couple trying for first daughter welcomes 12th son instead! (VIDEO)

A Michigan couple trying for their first daughter ended up giving birth to their—wait for it—12TH son this past weekend. That's right… 12 boys! Can you believe that?! Talk about one big family!

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Jay and Kateri Schwandt welcomed son Tucker on August 4th and like his 11 older brothers, his sex was kept a surprise throughout the pregnancy. But while the parents were hoping for a girl, the couple—who married at 18 and had their first child while in college—is happy with their big brood of boys.

"We did not start out planning this, we just kind of came upon it and kept going with it," Kateri told WZZM-13.

Wow! I can't even begin to imagine how chaotic challenging it must be to raise twelve kids… And I can only imagine how rowdy such a giant group of male siblings can get, not to mention loud. Fortunately, the Schwandt's seem to have their routine down pat. "I`m sure a little girl probably would be fun but we know what we`re doing," Kateri told Fox 17, although she also admitted later, "Sometimes I feel like I`m living in a locker room."

Haha, I can't blame her! That's a whole lot of testosterone for one house. I think any woman would feel a little overwhelmed.

As for the possibility of more children, the devout Catholic couple has, shockingly, not ruled it out. If they do try for another, Jay says he hopes "#13 will be the charm" and they'll finally get their baby girl. Hey at this point, why not, right?!

Image via Fox17