Bilingual bebés on board: 6 books in Spanish your kids should have

Summer is in full swing and I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't been as committed as usual to read to my kids in Spanish–or in any language, for that matter. There's something about the long, lazy days of summer that disrupts our routines and has me pushing their bedtime to ungodly hours I would never allow during the school year. But as their summer break is half-way through, I've decided that I want to get through at least a couple of the following books in Spanish before they go back to school. 

Bilingual bebés on board: 6 books in Spanish your kids should have

Read more ¿Qué más?: Bilingual bebés on board: 5 Great language learning programs for kids

These are six books I highly recommend every bilingual child should read at least once.

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Fonchito y la luna


This is one of my children's favorite books not only because it was written by Mario Vargas Llosa, the 2010 winner of the Nobel prize in Literature who happens to be Peruvian like me, but also because it's such a beautiful and simple tale of love. 

Fonchito y la luna $12.61 on

Los zapaticos de Rosa


Written by renowned Cuban poet and historian José Martí, this is a must-have classic piece of literature every child should have a chance to read. It's about a selfless act of love and solidarity between a privileged little girl and a poor child she meets at the beach. A beautiful and powerful poem no matter your age. 

Los zapaticos de Rosa $11.99 on

Boda en Chimalistac


The first children's book of famed Mexican author Elena Poniatowska is an absolute beauty. The illustrations are so gorgeous sometimes we open the book just to look at them. Poniatowska tells the story of a lemon tree who's fallen in love with a jacarandá tree who, in turn, is in love with a Fresno tree. ¡Qué lío!

Boda en Chimalistac $11.67 on

El flamboyán amarillo


Flamboyanes or Royal Poncianas, as they are know here, are by far my favorite tree, so I knew I wanted to get this book for my kids as soon as I saw the illustration on its cover. Written by Puerto Rican Georgina Lazaro, it talks about our connection with nature.

El flamboyán amarillo $7.19 on

El Principito


I know this book was originally written in French, but I first read it in Spanish and I want to read it to my kids in my native language. A classic tale of love, loneliness and friendship, I can't wait to share it with them when they get a bit older. 

El Principito $5.04 on

Los tres Reyes (a caballo)


It seems like the Reyes Magos celebration is slowly dying out in most countries of Latin America. I find this incredibly sad because I have beautiful memories of this holiday growing up. This book tells the story beautifully and I've been reading it to my kids every january since they were babies.

Los Tres Reyes (a caballo) $1.98 on