Man, my abuela was a total hipster and I had no idea. I thought she was just old-fashioned and stuff, but it turns out that granny was a trendsetter. I bet you your abuelita is pretty hip too.
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I mean my nana didn't wear skinny jeans and Toms shoes, but she was doing all sorts of things that hipsters do now and what made it even cooler is that she had no idea how cool she was. She was just doing her granny thing and setting an example for those who are now cooler-than-cool.
¿No me crees? Well, then just check out this slideshow of six things my abuela did that prove she was a hipster.
Image via miz_ginerva/Flickr

My grandma loved to knit gifts for people whether they wanted them or not.
Image via Mmm…Fiber!

Nana would crochet all these zig-zag cobijas. And no, crocheting is NOT the same as knitting.
Image via kpwerker/Flickr
Nerdy glasses

Oh man, my granny used to wear big ugly glasses and they were the kind with an actual prescription, not the ones with clear lenses hipsters get at Urban Outfitters nowadays.
Image via Muffet/Flickr
Thrift store

What you talkin' about Macy's for when all my granny wanted to do was go to a segunda. Yup, that's when thrift stores were actually affordable and not overrun by people willing to pay department store prices for thrift store finds.
Image via Pete Boyd/Flickr

My abuela could make just about anything out of an old coffee can. She was do DIY, but back then it was called necessity.
Image via miz_ginerva/Flickr

Sure, she could have dried her intimate apparel in the dryer, but my granny prefered to dry her big girl chonies in the open air.
Image via bumbletonian/Flickr