Great teachers not only teach, they inspire, they support, they give confidence, and they set excellent examples. Unfortunately, not all teachers are great. After reading a story about a student that was forced to lick his desk as punishment, I started wondering how many people had stories to share of a similar nature, of teachers who were not wonderful at all. So I put out the following question to people online: What is the worst thing a teacher ever said to you?
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The answers started pouring in. I won't even share the tiny offenses I suffered as a student because of some of not-so-great-teachers because they are nothing in comparison to the following stories:
"I had a teacher call me 'gorda' when I was like in 8th grade. Not even sure where it came from, but I was so embarrassed and sad that I never said anything to anyone about it. Never reported him or even told my friends or family about. It really devastated me and just thinking about it now is making me cry. Ugh!!" –Anonymous
"I had an English teacher tell me that I was not a good writer. I was flunking 9th grade English until my big sister met with my teacher and let her have it. LOL! I would love to show that teacher our cookbook." —Yvette Marquez-Sharpnak
"It's not so much something a teacher said, but what she did. I had a teacher seat us according to our grade average in the class." —Laurel Thomas
"I had a teacher that used to hand back assignments according to grade and would announce your score to the class." —Greta Brinkley
"My 9th grade art teacher told me that a water color I was working on was 'crap.' It totally turned me off to art…which I had loved up until that point!" —Jennifer Quillen
"I had a teacher–well guidance counselor–tell me that I should be applying to secretarial school when I went to talk to him about college applications. And I was in the top 20 in my graduating class!" —Chrysa Kieke Duran
"When I was in middle school I said, 'Oh My Goodness,' and my teacher said, 'There is no goodness in you.' Then she made me kneel for the rest of my class." —LaVonne Cladoosby Long
"My 10th grade English teacher asked me in front of the whole class, 'Why does your mom come to your field hockey games and stay in the parking lot reading a book instead of watching you play?' " —Brett Martin
"I was asking my daughter's math teacher if he provided extra help for students and he response was, 'Well your daughter is a B student and I don't see her changing that.' Really? Aren't you the teacher and supposed to help students get to the next level? I was so glad when he moved to another school the next year." —Cecile Pryor
"Ugh, during an ice cream party in the 5th grade, I was accidentally too messy with the whip cream and the teacher shouted, 'You're being a pig!' I'll never forget that moment." —Nicole Pyles
"One of my teachers? One of my kid's teachers: For me has to be when Norrin's kindergarten teacher said, 'How is he going to learn if he can't sit still?' " —Lisa Quinones-Fontanez
My fellow MamásLatina writer, Maria Peña Cater, shared that a teacher once made her entire class hold their schoolbooks over their heads for 30 minutes. Unbelievable!
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