4Real, these are the worst baby names we’ve EVER heard!

Most of the time, I think that every parent has the right to name their child what they want. But every now and then, a name pops up that is so ridiculous that I can't help but wish someone would save that poor kid from a tormented future and forbid the parents from getting away with it.

That's exactly wha__t New Zealand's Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages__ does! For the past 12 years, they have banned nearly 80 names that they deem inappropriate, all out of concern for the welfare of the kids. According to the registrar, a name may be rejected if it is thought to "cause offense to a reasonable person," is "unreasonably long" or "resembles an official title and rank" (like the names "Princess" or "Duke).

Read more ¿Qué más?:  8 Adorable baby names inspired by our favorite telenovelas!

And though I'm all for freedom of speech, after looking at the list of their most commonly rejected names, I can't say I fault them for forbidding them. Check out some of the most outrageous names from the registar's list below:

  1. Anal –Now, this is just plain mean.
  2. __Mafia No Fear –__No words.
  3. 89 –I guess it's better than "69?"
  4. V8 –Like the juice?
  5. . (period symbol) –My response: …
  6. Mr.  –Just think, if this had been allowed to fly, this kid would have been Mr. Mr. when he got older.
  7. 4real –4real, I can't believe anyone would name their kid this.
  8. * (star symbol) — !
  9. H-Q –Y?
  10. III (and other Roman Numerals) –How would you even pronounce this name out loud? Would you just call this kid, "Three" or "the Third?"

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