8 Terrifying things you NEVER want to hear your kids say

As everyone who has ever been around children knows, sometimes little kids say things that leave you genuinely startled. You just never really know what's going to fly out of their mouths! And that has never been made clearer as in a recent Reddit post, in which a user posed the question: "What is the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you?"

The post quickly went viral and gathered thousands of responses, which range from hilarious to bizarre to downright scary. Check out some of the best (and by best, I mean most seriously WTF terrifying) answers below. I guarantee they'll have every parent sleeping with one eye open tonight!

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1. "I was tucking in my 2-year-old. He said 'Good bye dad.' I said, 'No, we say good night.' He said, 'I know. But this time its good bye.' " –UnfortunateBirthMark

2. "My 3-year-old daughter stood next to her newborn brother and looked at him for a while, then turned and looked at me and said, 'Daddy it's a monster … we should bury it. '" –Like_I_Was_Sayin

3. "I jokingly asked: 'What's the best way to get a girlfriend?' 7-year-old's response: 'Tell her to be my girlfriend or she'll never see her parents again.' " –abluesxs

4. " 'So I shouldn't throw it in the fire?' 3-year-old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time." –olafthebent

5. "A friend of mine's child told him, 'Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face wherever I want.' " –Gator McGovern

6. "Kid (4-year-old): 'I want a cupcake' Me: 'No.' Kid: 'I want a cupcake, please?' Me: 'No.' Kid: Whispers 'If you give me a cupcake I won't cut your neck.' " –narcberry

7. "My toddler went through a phase where she would constantly say 'hi' to things. 'Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi.' One day, it came out sounding like 'Die Die Die Die Die.' So I say to her, 'What's they you're saying?' And she turns to face me and just whispers 'Diiieeeeee……"  –PookiePi

8. "I was sound asleep, and at around 6 a.m., I was woken up by my 4-year-old daughter's face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, 'I want to peel all your skin off.' The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel. In my sleep addled state however, it was pretty terrifying for a few seconds." –psalm_69

Okay, I have to stop there … I'm too freaked out to continue!

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