Amazing dog nurses newborn kittens & seriously brightened our day

Motherly love is unconditional and passes no judgment as one dog has proven by nursing kittens. The pooch, Chloe, had puppies in August but once they no longer needed her, she turned to help the family cat, Momma Cat, with her kittens. Their owner, Rebecca Thomas of Luttrell, Tennessee, recalls thinking that the kittens would not respond well to Chloe trying to feed them because she was not their biological mother. Much to her surprise, one of the kittens latched on to Chloe and found that she was able to nurse with ease.

According to Thomas, Chloe has always had a mommy instinct to her which is why she's not surprised that she took on the role of mother to these kittens. And surprisingly, Momma Cat isn't even jealous!

It's amazing the maternal instincts dogs have; they will do anything to protect their young. However,  this is the first time I've heard of a pooch caring for a different species of baby. NBC's station, WBIR in Tennessee spoke to Thomas regarding her amazing mama dog.

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The station witnessed Chloe nurse the kittens and watch over them as their mother was nowhere in sight. At one point, Thomas tells Chloe to get Momma Cat and does as she is told. Chloe and Momma Cat already have an unconventional family and to make the story even cuter, they take turns nursing the kittens. Awww!

What an amazing story! Whoever said cats and dogs don't mix clearly never met Chloe and Momma Cat. I love how the pets are proving that love has no limits and that animals have an innate instinct to care for their young–even if they aren't their own. Humans have done it before, so why can't our pets?

To check out Chloe's amazing mommy techniques, check out the footage below!

 Image via WBIR