Now that spring (showing off your legs season) is finally here, the last thing I want to worry about is cellulite. You know that dimply skin that keeps you from sporting short shorts on the beach or slipping into that teeny tiny bikini. The truth is, there's no actual cure for cellulite and if your mamá has it, chances are you do too because it's genetic. I know it sucks, but the good news is that there are ways to stop cellulite as well as minimize its appearance–and I'm not talking pricey laser treatments. Get rid of those unwanted lumps and bumps (or at least camouflage them) with these tips and products!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Strange but genius new jeans promise to fight cellulite AND keep you moisturized
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Have a healthy diet
Having cellulite does NOT mean you’re overweight. Even thin chicas could have it (hello, many, many models out there!). However, it can increase if you gain weight because it’s pretty much fat beneath our skin that’s being pushed against connective tissue causing the skin to pucker and form dimples. Leslie Kenton, the author of Raw Juicing: The Healthy, Easy and Delicious Way to Gain the Benefits of the Raw Food Lifestyle, suggests incorporating more raw foods into your diet while also cutting out junk and chemically processed foods. She recommends looking for foods that are rich in bioflavonids, like sweet peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, parsley, and citrus fruits.
Drink plenty of water
Keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of water helps your body to naturally shed fat. Increasing your intake of water also helps skin’s elasticity, making it appear smoother and less lumpy.
Move your bowels
Kenton claims that most women with cellulite "are often constipated, even if they have one bowel movement a day." This makes sense because the toxins in your body aren’t being properly eliminated. Try adding more fibers into your diet to help you go more often.
Work out
Lack of physical activity can definitely contribute to cellulite. That’s why it’s important to exercise on a regular basis. Try doing cardio workouts like walking, running along with strengthening exercises like yoga and pilates a couple of times a week to help tone your body.
Massage skin
Stimulating blood circulation helps break up the fluids underneath your skin, leaving a smoother and more even appearance. If you can’t afford a professional massage, try massaging your troubled areas in a circular motion using your knuckles or a cellulite brush. I like Bliss Fat Girl Slimulator ($22).
Exfoliate with coffee
Brazilian women have been using coffee grounds as a natural body exfoliant for years. That’s because caffeine helps reduce the swelling around fat deposits, leaving your skin looking much smoother. For a quicker and cleaner fix, look for a body scrub that includes caffeine and other anti-inflammatory ingredients, like Pacifica Whole Body Scrub Kona Coffee & Sugar Detox ($28).
Try a cellulite serum
Invest in a cellulite-fighting serum that’s packed with caffeine and antioxidants that help stimulate circulation, reduce toxins and even out skin. Try Mama Mio Shrink To Fit Cellulite Cream ($56). It’s one of the highest rating cellulite creams in the market!
Use a self tanner
Cellulite tends to be less noticeable on tan or darker skin tones, perfect for us Latinas! But if you’re a light skinned chica, try using a self-tanner on your legs, like Xen-Tan Premium Sunless Tan Deep Bronze Luxe Self Tanner ($40), to help disguise those pesky dimples.