Mom’s reaction to teen son’s baby news is totally not what you’d expect (VIDEO)

What would you do if your kid told you he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant? Would you be shocked, angry, sad? Whatever the case, I bet most parents' reactions would be NOTHING like that of the mom in the viral video below. When her son sits her down and confesses that thegirl he's been seeing is pregnant, __her response is so hilariously unexpected, i__t'll make your jaw drop (or as in my case, leave you rolling on the floor with laughter for a good 20 minutes).

In the clip, viewers see the boy setting up a camera for unknown reasons. Maybe he was expecting a completely different reaction. Or maybe the whole thing is completely fake, as some people are claiming it to be. It honestly doesn't really matter because what happens next is definitely worth watching, even if it was all staged.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Mom hilariously freaks out over daughter's baby news! (VIDEO)

The boy calls his mother into the room and confesses that the girl his mother apparently recently met is now expecting a baby. Her reaction? She doesn't gasp or break into tears as you might think … oh, no! Instead, she actually bursts out into a fit of laughter. Real, belly-shaking laughter that is then followed by the statement, "You're an a**hole." OH MY GOD!  Can you believe that?!

OK, if this is real and her son really did get a girl pregnant, I know the mom probably should've attempted to have an actual conversation with her son instead of laughing in his face– which is why I understand how some people found her to be offensive and mean. Still I couldn't help but find her reaction freakin' hilarious, not to mention probably deserved. Hey, if anyone has a right to call that kid an a-hole, it's his own mother. After all, she knows him better than anyone else! Just sayin'.

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