Competitive moms get into ugly brawl over Easter eggs, totally ruin everything for the kids

Any time kids get involved in something even remotely competitive, I always find myself keeping an eye on the parents instead of the actual children. Why? Well, because I've seen firsthand how cutthroat parents can be when it comes to helping their kids win. Take for example the two Seattle moms who somehow managed to ruin an innocent Easter egg hunt by getting into a full-on brawl–all over a few plastic eggs! 

According to the Seattle Police Department (that's right, the cops actually had to get involved), it all started when one of the moms shoved aside a child who was going for the same egg as her kid. Yes, actually shoved. Can you believe that? What kind of grown adult gets that crazed at a freakin' Easter egg hunt?

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Of course, the mom of the child who was pushed was none too pleased and when she confronted the other mother, the two ended up getting into a fistfight. Innocent bystanders, who were probably just trying to enjoy the holiday with their own kids, were forced to separate them "three or four" times before they finally stopped fighting. The first woman was even left with a bloody nose!

Wooow, way to be great role models, people! Seriously, this whole thing is just sad. I mean, I can understand a mother wanting to help her kids and make sure they have fun. But gently encouraging your kid to participate is very different from going completely psycho and physically pushing away small children, all because of some dumb Easter eggs. And I don't blame the other mom for getting mad and wanting to defend her child, why couldn't she take the high road instead of resorting to blows? Both mothers should honestly be ashamed of themselves. Their inane actions completely ruined what should've been a fun, happy activity for everyone.

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