Joanne Turton__ has a mystery condition that has made her appear 8 months pregnant for the last 15 years and now doctors say they may have found a solution for her. The 33-year-old British mom from Hull, England claims that she has suffered from an undiagnosed bowel condition since she was 18__, which has severely bloated her to the point that she looks 8 months pregnant!__
The bloating isn't the only problem, as the pressure causes Turton pains on her sides and has prevented her from having a normal social life. The Hull Daily Mail says that her doctors were set to operate with a revolutionary machine to help her problem …except they ended up delaying the procedure. Poor mom!
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Turton, mom to a 5-year-old girl, tells The Hull Daily Mail that doctors promised to perform the life-changing surgery, but let her down by canceling days before it was scheduled. The surgery, known as a gastric electrical stimulation procedure, would involve putting a pacemaker-like device into her bowel to regulate its movements.
Turton already had a trial run of the device and felt instant relief, so she became even more upset since she had arranged a babysitter for her daughter and had packed for her hospital stay. I would be too!
I can't imagine what it must be like to walk around with this terrible and crazy condition for that long! I know many of the women I know who have gone through pregnancy say it's amazing, and they look great, but this is totally not the case with this poor woman! It's very unprofessional that the doctors who were set to operate on Turton couldn't give her a real explanation for their cancellation and for the date they rescheduled her procedure. We wish her the best as she tries to schedule her surgery and hope she will finally be getting the operation she needs to live comfortably and look normal.
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