Anyone who lives or has visited a busy city knows that getting a seat on the subway is no easy feat. That's why a Chinese woman only identified as Zhang recently decided to take matters into her own hands. She strapped on a fake baby bump and pretended to be pregnant so that other passengers woud offer her a seat! Pretty ridiculous, right?
But the story only gets better from there. Zhang was carrying out her scheme one day when the silicone belly suddenly fell out on the crowded train. She was left mortified and others reportedly called her "shameless" and a "disgrace." Now, the woman is actually filing a complaint to try and get the manafacturer of the product in trouble!
Zhang told the Liyuan Industrial and Commercial Bureau that the belly had cost her around $50 and was advertised as "very realistic," but failed to do its job. She also complained that the when the belly became loose and fell out, it left her "found out and mocked." Maaaan, this woman has got some nerve. First she cons people into thinking she's pregnant and then she blames others after she gets caught in her own lie? Crazy!
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The bureau has since thrown out the complaint because she had not used the product as it was intended. Um, OBVIOUSLY.
I don't blame people for mocking her silly actions … but I have to admit, as a born and bred New Yorker who went to college and currently works in Manhattan, I am not too surprised that someone would go to such great lengths just to get a subway seat. They are truly hot commodities! Still, I can't believe Zhang ever thought she ever had a valid case or deserved any type of reimbursement. After all, she's the one who get herself in the mess in the first place!
Image via Thinkstock