This amazing story will move you to tears! Marcie Trogdon of Jamestown, Virginia was separated from her Great Dane, Zorro after burglars broke into her home and snatched him in 2011. Trogdon had an extensive police search seeking her dog shortly after the incident happened, but little did she know that her beloved and missed pet would find his way back home one way or another.
In what most can call a miracle, Zorro surprised her by popping up in her backyard over 2 years after he went missing.
I love hearing stories in which lost pets get reunited with their owners. After all a pet is a lot like a family member that can't be replace, which leads to a lot of heartbreak when they go missing. Many are likening this story to the plot line in the movie Homeward Bound and I can see exactly why!
Trogdon told Fox news that she recalls her neighbor asking her about a dog in her yard and much to her surprise, Zorro had found his way back home! But where had he been the last 16 months? Currently that part remains a mystery, but after an examination at the vets office, the dog was overall healthy despite being overweight and having ringworm.
Trogdon says she doesn't care what happened in between the time they were apart and was just overjoyed that Zorro was home. During his disappearance, she had even bought another dog to take his place, but still yearned for her missing pooch.
Aw! I'm glad to hear that this story had a happy ending and that Zorro is back in good hands now. It upsets me that there are people out there willing to take pets from others and many stories don't end the way Trogdon's did. Thankfully hers has a happy ending and I'm sure she's going to be super protective over Zorro after this whole incident.
Image via Fox News