Penelope Cruz’s sister, Monica, reveals she’s pregnant through artificial insemination!

While most women wait for Mr. Right to come along to have a baby, Penélope Cruz's little sister, Monica, has chosen to take matters into her own hands:Monica recenly confirmed that she is pregnant via an anonymous sperm donor.

Although many people might find artificial insemination a bit controversial, the 35-year-old actress and lingerie model is openly talking about her decision. And her reasoning behind it makes a ton of sense!

It's really brave of Monica to share with the public her decision to have a baby on her own, especially as a Latina, since it's a bit taboo in our culture to take on this method of conception. But the Spaniard beauty is speaking out on her choice and is hoping to influence other women as well.

She stated her reason in the interview with Spanish newspaper El País and said:

"I also wanted to talk about it because it is an opportunity to show my gratitude to all those anonymous donors that help a lot of women, like me, fulfill their lifetime dream. If with this I can help others that are in doubt, here I am for whatever you may need."

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The reason Monica decided to have a baby on her own is a dilemma most working single women face today: timing. Unlike men, our eggs have an expiration date and Pe's little sis wanted to make sure she had a little one before facing that fate. Naturally Monica would have preferred to have a mate to have had a child with, but this wasn't her case.

"A 40-year-old woman is very young and she feels very young, but the maternity thing goes another way," she said. "It is measured with another clock that unfortunately we do not control." Her precaution also came after learning that becoming pregnant after your late 30s becomes an even greater challenge.

Monica had already practiced her maternal instinct on her nephew Leo, and says her sister, Pénelope has only had positive things to say about motherhood. Penélope has even been verbal about the joy of being a mom and told the London Evening Standard: "Becoming a mother makes you rediscover life, your relationship with nature and it gives you the chance to live your childhood again."

We commend Monica for being so honest and brave by coming forward and revealing her pregnancy. She is an absolute great influence for women struggling to get pregnant or who want to have a baby without a partner by showcasing this option. We wish her the best and a healthy pregnancy! We sure can't wait to meet Leo's new little playmate!

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