Watch how far these 9-month-old twins can swim, on their OWN! (VIDEO)

To new parents, everything their babies do is extraordinary from their first little laugh to their first step. But Ellie and William Trykush's parents having something truly incredible to brag about: the nine-month-old British twins can swim the entire length of a 25-meter pool without any help!

SAY WHAT! How is that even possible?!

The babies have yet to sit up, crawl, or walk, but somehow they have remarkable skills when it comes to being in the pool. Once they hit the water, it's like they turn into little fish! Both babies show absolutely no fear, even without the aid of floaties or someone holding them. Instead, they simply swim on their backs with what seems like absolutely no effort and not a care in the world.

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And their abilities aren't confined to the kiddie pool. Oh no, the twins have been able to swim around an entire 25-meter pool…which is just mind-blowing and amazing. Seriously, seeing the video that shows them flipping onto their backs and floating around literally made my jaw drop. I mean, I can barely do that as an adult!

His kids' skills have given Dad, Vic Trykush, very high hopes. "I would love to see them at the 2028 Olympics possibly, when they're 16, doing the open water swim," he said. Wow, looks like there are big plans (and a lot of pool time) in store for these two siblings!

Check out little Ellie and William's impressive skills here:

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