Adorable 3-year-old responds to Jimmy Kimmel candy prank in surprisingly mature way (VIDEO)

TV host Jimmy Kimmel once again almost ruined many children's favorite holiday by holding his "I Told My Kid I Ate All Their Halloween Candy Again" YouTube challenge for the second year in a row…and I have to say, the results of the cruel-but-hilarious prank once again had me tearing up from laughter.

As you can imagine, most kids weren't too happy when their parents confessed that they had eaten all their candy. Several immediately scrunched up their faces and broke down into sobs, while others began throwing things and clenching their hands into teeny fists.

"I never want to go trick or treating again," one girl screamed.

But there were a few young kids, shown towards the end of the video, who responded in an amazingly understanding manner. "That's alright," one little boy said. "I just want you to be happy."

Read more ¿Qué más?: Jimmy Kimmel gets parents to pull ultimate back-to-school prank (VIDEO)

My favorite of the whole clip however? 3-year-old Madeleine, who was the very last child to be shown and who might actually be the sweetest toddler in the entire universe. When her mother confesses to her supposed crime, Madeleine simply stares at her for a few seconds before eventually breaking into a smile. "No, I'm just sad," she says when her mom asks if she's mad at her. "But when it's the next Halloween, we can share my candy."

Aww, is that adorable or what?! What a sweetheart! If only every child was so mature and kind. I bet this little girl is going to change the world one day! How can she not with such a big heart and warm smile?

Check out both Madeleine's response and the full prank below:

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