If you were to ask kids where is the one place they want to visit, chances are the answer is Disney World. I mean, who wouldn't want to go to the happiest place on earth?! I remember the first time I went when I was about 11 and I was super excited to see Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Cinderella–the whole Disney gang. Which is why it was no surprise to me that the little boy in this Reddit poster's picture looks beyond ecstatic.
Love it!
The cute little boy–who kind of looks like he could be Joseph Gordon Levitt's kid in my opinion–shows the very expression I'm referring to upon visiting the happiest place on earth. But he's even HAPPIER because he has Tinkerbell by his side and, seriously, who wouldn't want to meet Captain Hook's trusty sidekick?
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It's also adorable how it seems like he dressed up for the occasion–that Mickey tie on his shirt is a nice touch. Don't you remember the first cartoon characters you met that brightened up your day? Well, this kid is in for a bigger surprise once he sees that the park is roaming with Disney characters! Just wait till he sees the parade–I wish his parents would have posted THAT picture too!
Kids and pictures like these make me wish I was young again so I could hang out with my favorite Disney characters…looks like I'll be booking a trip to Disneyworld soon!
Image via Tumblr