Florida couple who left toddler sleeping outside mall deserved to be arrested

Recently, people have been reaching new heights of negligent parenting. The latest horrific example? A  Florida couple that was arrested after the woman's 2-year-old daughter was found sleeping outside of a mall! Are you freakin' kidding me?!

Witnesses called the police at around 3 in the morning on Monday after they saw the little girl asleep on the ground in front of the Osceola Square Mall. Earlier that night, the toddler had also been spotted walking with a shirtless man, who was later identified her mother's boyfriend, 28-year-old Jerry Montvalo. At the time, Montvalo was reportedly under the influence of drugs while the girl's mother, 20-year-old Stacia Rogers was at home. Gee, what a great mom!

Thankfully, the little girl was found safely and put into state custody. Both Montvalo and Rogers–who allegedly knew that her boyfriend was on drugs when he took her daughter out–have been arrested and charged with child neglect.

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Thinking of that poor, innocent young child and the danger that these careless, idiotic people put her in infuriates me to no end. Luckily, she remained uninjured but imagine if something had happened to her! Rogers might be young, but as a mother, she should be protecting her daughter above all, not putting her in harm's way. What kind of parent–or any decent person for that matter– just KNOWINGLY hands off a helpless child to someone on drugs?

I'm glad that both her and Montvalo are now facing consequences for their despicable actions and just hope that the young girl is placed under the care of people who will actually be concerned for her wellbeing.

Images via Police Handout, Stacia Rogers/facebook