Spain may hold the answer for women struggling with fertility problems

If you are having a hard time conceiving and are thinking seriously about seeking out a fertility treatment, then you may want to visit Spain. According to the Dailymail, Spain may be the best option for women looking for egg donors because it is a common practice there and donated egg are more easily accessible.

No matter what your issue may be when it comes to conceiving, Spanish law is less strict about egg donation and the country generally believes it is a woman's right to undergo any fertility treatment regardless of their marital status or sexual orientation. So, could Spain's easy going policy be the solution for many women seeking to have babies without partners?

Although the Spaniards are more lenient about what a woman does with her body, they do require that egg donors and receivers remain anonymous and never meet after the procedure is done. In addition, the law requires that the donor and recipient match has to be as physically identically as possible. 

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In this day and age, women have proven that they can be just as successful as men and still be good providers. Many want to have children, but they don't have a partner to help them reproduce, so they turn to invitro fertilization. The problem in the U.S. is that in order to receive it, you need to go through a series of exams and be placed on long waiting lists. It only makes sense that women start considering traveling abroad for a chance to become a mom.

Although the one downside about this that egg donors are put through a series of hormonal treatment before having their eggs retrieved and in Spain, the women donors are compensated very little (just under $1,000–and just to put that in perspective, in New York, a donor can get as much as $8,000). I don't know about you, but if I'm subjecting my body as a medical experiment, I would at least want to get paid for it–and if I'm using the donated eggs of another woman, I would at least hope that she was compensated fairly.

As American women wait for an easier way to have a baby sans partner, perhaps Spain may be the way to go if they're willing to make the effort to travel there and have the money to do so.

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